Work Experience 54 years + in 28 countries of the world
Wide Drilling Engineering & Supervision, onshore offshore messages
via email to
Russia has invaded NATO country Ukraine. Millions
of refugees. Many soldiers killed. Putin reported wounded..
Yevgeny Prigozhin
of St. Petersburg, reportedly died in place crash 27 August 2023. Zelensky does not want to
repay USA with rainian lithiuym. 8 January 2025 blizzard freezes many
homes across central USA ! 512 995 5853 WhatsApp
995 6203 WhatsApp 512 995 1400 WhatsApp All Wiegand Hermanos drilling junk iron
on Wiegand Ranch House in TX has now
been stolen or sold, except Wiegand Rig # 1 the Brewster N-3 drilling rig has moved back to Mexico, and is still for sale. ARAMCO should biuy it to make another museum in Saudi Arabia KSA.. This is the same rig that drilled the
Wiegand heavy asphalt oil wells in Cacalilao,
Veracruz, ( which flowed under natural reservoir pressure from 1952 to 2019, the longst producing oilwells in the history
of Mexico ) intointo Sinclair Station #4's 50,000 barre l steel stock tanks ). Frederick Wiegand
Jr was a USA citizen in 1983, and Pemex
Corporate (modified) abandonded the Pemex - Wiegand contracts of 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952. Circa 28 February 2019, Frederick W Wiegand II was solicited by Pemex - related international drilling contractor reps, to find a good shallow-water jackup rig, and bring it to Mexico down close to Ciudad del Carmen,
Campeche state. So today, after
many, many years; the presidente of
Wiegand Hermanos Perforadores, Sociedad Anónima ( S.A.) is going to "change his story". Revised --Many years ago, the Mexican consitution forbade "royalties", and so the Pemex - Wiegand contracts were called "service contracts".
The INCREDIBLE THING is that Pemex
actually paid those Wiegand contracts
from 1952 until 1983 ! F Wiegand Sr died in 1978, so Jr kept on collecting from 1979 to 1983. That was 31 years in a row that Pemex paid Wiegand ! In February 2019, a Pemex-related international drilling contractor asked Ing. Federico Wiegand II to bring in a shallow-water jackup rig to drill and complete wells
to a formation with Initial Reservoir
Pressure of 16,250 psi ! That is ALOT of
presión del yacimiento. So the BOPE of the Wiegand jackup rig is planned for minimum of 15,000 psi BOPE (SF<1). The water depth is about 30 meters, and the air gap required is another 30 meters.
Since FW is has changed his "story"
about Pemex, and helping AMLO restore
confidence in Pemex (after the huachicolero fires on the pipelines); then FW says that the Pemex bonds do NOT deserve the reputation of "junk bonds" because Mexico has more reserves of oil and gas in the Mexican GOM, than the USA and Canada. OK, maybe it is mostly deepwater, but Mexico ( and I will now help Pemex do it ) will soon beat out Brazil and Venezuela and maybe India in deepwater exploration and discoveries, nerly
3 million BOPD. ( It is hard to beat India.) All SFs should approach a minimum of ONE, and the Pemex norms should so state. AMLO is right, and he is helping restore confidence in Pemex
the Mexican oil and gas industry.
I support AMLO and will now help
Pemex do it. The Wiegand asphalt wells in the State of Veracruz, Mexico, are still producing to this day by artificial lift. Am Ready to work again for Pemex to discover
new oil and gas fields, and import the necessary drilling rigs and production equipment to do it. Claudia is doing a gooid job. The InterOceanic Train Railroad is even more imoportant now that cracks are appearing in the
concrete locks of the Panama Canal after 100 years. For sale: ten
thousand acre ranch in Northern Mexico
and Tesla 35 miles North up I130 to Austin, TX the state capital Work Experience:
2025 3 March
2025 real estate sales
Fred has new 2025 projects and is continuing 2021 projects, including sales of heavy construction equipment and
machinery in Old Mexico.. Still planning to run Wiegand Rig #1 in Mexico. Persuaded the Texas Railroad Commission
to spell company name Wiegand Brothers Drilling Co. correctly for the first time in eighty years = nunc pro tunc Master
Default Order # 112 dated 6 August 2019 Tuesday. 2018 November 28,
attended.participated the live online WorldOil webcast by Vallourec "Smart Tubular Solutions: Deepwater Applications"
for designing, handling, manufacturing, running, QCing, and tracing deepwater casing string projects, including evaluation
of the capability, expertise, and service of the life.cycle deepwater casing projects", by Stewart Cole and Michele Cowart,
1 hr world wide internet webcast. ref API RP 5C1 CAL 1 - 4 . 2018 - 2010 bilingual international consulting petroleum engineer and geologist in Mexico. sales of construction,
mining and farming equipment. imports. street and highway construction projects. international
sales of oil and gas properties. construction with, and sales of, industrial backhoes, Cat, Ford and International;
and asphalt paving equipment. water.well drilling rig. Au treasure hunter. 54 years after Vietnam combat , Major
US Army combat engineer MOS combat engineer former Junior Vice Commander of Lockhart VFW Veterans of Foreign
msgs by email to
emergency contact number,
in case of well / rig fires |
priced reduced to CCAD appraisal "value" yard and ranchhouse
at Lockhart, TX 78644 (not for sale ) | Email: |
2023-2025 selling
Wiegand Ranch Subdivision inside the city limimts of Lockhart, Texas 78644 2020 - 2023 Virtual work as expert engineer advior for Asian Development Bank in the country
of the Phillippine Islands for the island country of Somoa in the Pacific. Continuing small business
in Mexico. Import / export construction and ag equipment . FEMA / FEGA emergency response coordination services, bilingual, international. re-entries into natural
gas wells in Campos Velero y Pandura, Tamps. MX. drilling and repairing "deep" water wells for potable drinking
water during Covid 19 pandemia. 2019 - 2025: PyME businessman in Mexico. importation and sales of all types of heavy equipment, including
new oilfield equipment made in China.
International investment adisor and international project manager and sales. 2015. Bilingual petroleum engineering university professor in
Mexico. Still moving Wiegand Rig 1 in Mexico towards Poza Rica and Villahermosa. Need investor to pay for transportation
and repair of rig. Rig presently located near Monterrey, NL, Mexico. Designing new course "A petroleum engineering
course on deepwater drilling" in English. Searching for clients who will pay a deposit for my new course on deepwater
driling 2019 to buy the presentation anywhere in the world except the USA. Preparing new public course called "Hidraulicamente
fracturar pozos petroleros de petroleo crudo y gas natural" with reputable International engineering companies, to present
worldwide in Spanish. 2014. Soliciting JV
partners for investing in Mexico horizontal and ERD shale gas well drilling and production, and licitaciones
para reacondicionar pozos en region marina mexicana del Golfo de Mexico Ronda 3.2. Presented 3 day horizontal,
multilateral and ERD shale gas well course to the foremost technical experts and professors of the Mexican Petroleum Institute
( IMP ) in Mexico City at the Instituto Mexicano de Petroleo main headquarters. 2013.
Made international rig move of Brewster N3 1500 meter drilling rig from Wiegand
Ranch Texas down to Monterrey area Mexico, and am searching for international partners
to repair old oil and gas wells and shale gas wells in Mexico under new 2014 Mexico
Energy Law. Am contracted vendor sales rep for several China companies for oilfield and
mining equipment. Presented my Deepwater Drilling course in Mexico City in March 2013 in 95 percent Spanish
language. Am negotiating mining contracts, visiting mines and mills and meetings.
In Jan 2013, completed Well Control School online
university eLearning System 21 surface - subsea well control course at supervisor level with 93% final score.
Well control certificate current until 2015. Current with wellsite supervisor ID cards. Am soliciting
international partners for integral contracts with Mexican national oil company for deep exploration drilling
rig and wells in Tabasco, South Mexico. 2012 -- 2011 my eldest natural son Carl Jonathan Wiegand disappeared
in Mexico in March 2010, and has never been found. various mining projects, including barite mines in Mexico.
registered contractor and supplied to Mexico national oil company. Project Dragon, Petroleos de Venezuela, drillships.
IWCF exams, BOGota, Colombia. Aramco senior drilling foreman, exploration drilling in Middle East.
drilling blind with total lost circulation, Shaybah desert. Officing in Dammam, KSA and BAHrain.
Now linking up with Pemex deepwater drilling manger of operations. Mining concessions in Mexico, Au, Pb,
Ag, and other precious metales. IADC accredited world wide instructor Bahrain, Saudi,
Singapore. 2010 October:
Fred and son Carl Wiegand presented Fred's 8th international petroleum engineering course on Artificial Lift Optimization
in Dubai, UAE, Middle East to participants from four national oil companies for Haward Technology. Comparisons
of 7 methods of Artificial Lift were made, including but not limited to gas lift, ESPs, PCPs, reciprocating rod pumps, rotating
rod pumps, plunger lift, jet lift, and other prototype methods, including fiberglass sucker rods. Deepwater
Drilling Superintendent, CONSON, Ho Chi Minh City, Port of Saigon, Vietnam, South China Sea, South East Asia, Gau Chua 2X
horizontal hardrock granite basement fracture play oil well, Block 10 and 11.1. Drilled 12 1/4" directional hole
with BHI AutoTrak BHA, ran and cemented 9 5/8" casing with two stages cement job from floating TransOcean semisubmersible
drilling rig Actinia. Crude oil to the surface. IADC surface /
subsea well control course, Wild Well Control Inc., Broussard, Louisiana, supervisor level. Well Control Certificate
good until 2012. Field Service Engineer, VetcoGray GE, took
course on subsea wellheads, SG5, MS700, and subsea wellhead running tools, Houston. 2008
- 2009 Designed and presented WEI's newest course Deepwater Drilling Engineering in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June
2009. InterActPMTI seconded to Sea
Dragon – Egypt as Senior Offshore Drilling Superintendent, exploration directional well from TransOcean jackup
rig # 103, Gulf of Suez near Zafarana, Egypt. 2007 - 2008 EPI seconded to ConocoPhillips, as drilling supervisor on Precision land rig #403, Wyoming, USA, drilled to 11,800 ft
TVD in 30 days & ran 4.5” casing. Good gas well. 2006 - 2007 Boots & Coots employee seconded to
Respsol – Algeria as Well Control Engineer, Hassi Messaoud, Sahara Desert, Algeria,
well control policy & hardware. Attended Murchison Drilling Schools and completed same, earning course certificate
and well control certificate.
2006 - 2011 Haward Technology of Abu Dhabi, UAE, Middle East, contracted international petroleum
engineering instructor for Arabic-speaking engineers of national E&P companies on advanced petroleum engineering
subjects. “Drilling & Completion Fluids”, “Well Completions and Workovers” and “Modern
Production Practices”, “Petroleum Exploration Risk Analysis, Decision Theory, and Economics” 2005 – 2006 SONANGOL, national oil company of Angola, West Africa, worked AS Deepwater Drilling Superintendent in Sonangol office, Luanda, Angola, and make trip to PACassa Offshore platform and Kissamama main barge for offshore field. Knowledge Reservoir, worked on Repsol Argentina Project, Staff Drilling Engineer and Petroleum Geologist, new drilling and production technology, including casing
drilling, DynaPumps, and fiberglass sucker rods. Geological report on San Jorge Basin, onshore & offshore maps, Southern Argentina. Hamilton Engineering, worked for Forest Oil Co. as drilling supervisor on a H & P deep land rig near Pecos, West Texas, on a well control
job, with a snubbing unit on top of a drilling rig, due to very high pressures. Worked for Peregrine
O & G, Houston, on Offshore OCS-G shallow-water Ship Shoals Block 84, as drilling supervisor
drilling a new vertical hole to 13,000 ft on mat-supported Hercules 20 jackup rig. EPI, worked for
TXM – Hungary as Sr. Drilling Engineer and Supervisor. Designed Mako #6
to 6000 m as the “deepest” 2005 exploration gas well in Hungary. Spudded Pustaser Well
#1 with Crosco Rig 403 on 7 Dec 2005. K & M Technology, worked for PGP Exploration as platform day and night drilling supervisor on Platform Irene for ESP heavy-oil workover of
directional oilwell, and ERD sidetrack horizontal well drilling on Platform Hidalgo . Complex completions
with swell packers and Intelligent Well Completions with 7 control lines on 3-1/2” production tubing with gas lift.
Heavy oil horizontal oilwells with sour production in OCS offshore California waters.
2004 TransJordan Exploration Operations and Drilling Superintendent, ,
drilled 2 deviated exploration holes from same surface casing, i.e., multilateral by geosteering using mud motor and Gamma
ray directional tools, stuck pipe, lost circulation, drilling Phase II, openhole fm testing, run and set 7” casing,
perforating, cased hole testing, swabbing, P&A. Admasco landrig #5 on East Bank of Dead Sea below
sea level with Middle Eastern crews. Multinational personnel relations and logistics on the Dead Sea in Jordan, Middle East. 2002 - 2004 EPI, Pogo Producing company man, drilling 11,000 ft deviated land wells in the Lobo Trend, South Texas, with a H & P state-of-the-art computerized Flex III Rig in 16 days with 2 day rig moves. Phase
I, II and III drilling, including lost circulation, higher gas units in transition zones, running and cementing casing,
use of rotary steerable directional drilling assemblies, etc. , out of Zapata, Texas.
Shell SEPCO drilling foreman on Cognac Deepwater Platform, US GOM OCSG offshore Louisiana, simultaneous
workovers on deepwater fixed production platform. Emergency operations after Ivan.
Petroleum Engineering Intl Company Man on jackrup rig TODCO 207, drilling
Phase I and II on directional gas well offshore OCSG Lousiana. Company Man, jackup rig TODCO 251 offshore OCSG Louisiana, completion of oil & gas well with gaslift completion string, pressure tests,
perf zone with e-wireline, run tubing, test well, jack down and away from completed well offshore. 2000 - 2002 Saudi Aramco drilling foreman on horizontal extended-reach geosteered
oilwells, drilling through lost circulation zones with mudcaps, 22" x 18" Phase, 16" x 13" Phase, 12"
x 9" Phase, 8" x 7" Phase, 6" x 4" Phase, horizontal oilwell completion with 4.5" tubing with
PBR and tie-back, 12,000 bbls per day crude with 0% water cut, geosteering in the middle of Arab D zone along dip, casing
seat selection from ROP charts and samples, multi-stage cementing, open-hole packers, PJSMs, reamup tight spots, Totco
slickline surveys, slickline completions with X-type plugs, flow well testing. 1999 Apache North Sea drilling engineer at Alba Gate, wrote Forties Echo Well 12- Side
Track 1 (FES12ST1) Drilling Programme and Detailed Drilling Guidelines for re-entry and sidetrack to new Bottom Hole Location,
planned workover using Galaxy 1 jackup rig. Pan European North Sea Survival Course.,
HUET, etc.
Drilling / Operations Superintendent, Trans Jordan Oil, Admasco Rig #5, Dead Sea
Concession in Jordan, Wells Wadi Mujib # 2 and Ash Shaqiq # 1, geosteering directional wells in Cambrian highly-fractured
sandstones and into the Dead Sea rift basement.
POSITION: Drilling Superintendent, IWCF Surface Subsea
Drilling Supervisor, IADC Company Man, Drilling Engineer, Completions Engineer, Drilling Manager, International Multilingual
Instructor world wide
NAME: Frederick W. Wiegand, Jr. ( Mr. Wiegand, Dr. Wiegand, or COL Wiegand} 2019-2010 PyME businessman in Mexico March 2012 -- still rotating to Saudi, but
available for other jobs, also, based upon dayrate and class of world wide airplane tickets. Saudi
Aramco senior drilling foreman, exploration drilling in deep desert areas, new important discoveries.
drilling blind. H2S certificate. well control course with appraisal at Drillsim classroom in Dhahran, KSA.
2011 Saudi Aramco senior drilling foreman, exploration drilling in deep desert
areas. drilling instructor at SPSP with Arab students in Dhahran. October 2011 --
Singapore, presented course "Deepwater Well Design and Management" February
2011-- IADC well control certificate by Wild Well Control Inc., good through 2012 January
2010 -- MS 700 VetcoGray subsea wellhead course, Houston, TX, deepwater well design Pan European
North Sea Survival 5 day Course in Aberdeen, 10-14 Nov 03, including OPITO-approved Basic Offshore Safety Induction &
Emergency, Breathing Systems, FireFighting, Re-Breather System for Helicopter Underwater Escape Training HUET, Norwegian legislation,
First Aid, life vests, boats & rafts, Evacuation Procedures, METS, TEMPSC lifeboat procedures, and GMDSS and electronic
beacons. Drilling supervisor medical certificate, valid 11-14 November 2004 many industry and
college courses April 2003 completed Phase I IWCF subsea drilling supervisor; May 2003, passed
IWCF with 97% grade. July 2007, December 2007, February 2008 IADC certificates. Well Control
certificates valid from 1977 through 2015 , current H2S certificate good for 2 years until 2013 Licensed PROFESSIONAL Engineer #35635, State of Texas, valid 2013. PhD certificate from
online Woodfield "university", based on life experiences The University of Texas at
Austin, Master of Science DEGREE in Petroleum Engineering 1970 with Thesis on Rocks Mechanics Bachelor of Science DEGREE in Geology 1969 Bachelor of Science DEGREE in Petroleum Engineering 1969 Thomas Jefferson High School, San Antonio, TX; graduated 1964 w/ honors online PhD
doctorate degree in Education, Woodfield University, and cooperation with Nigerian university for degree program for Nigerian
petroleum engineering students BASED:
Texas, USA, Monterrey, Mexico, Khobar, Saudi Arabia, and ManAma, Bahrain QUALIFICATIONS:
March 2014 -- barite sales, exporting from mines
and mills in Mexico across international boundaryline into Texas. importing China Taifu submersible pumps through port
of Manzanillo, state of Colima, Mexico, legally with pediemento using A As Agente Aduanales.
January 2013 -- completed
online System 21 eLearning well control course in one week with final grade 93%, good through 2015.
N3 in Mexico |

swab and workover shale gas wells |
2000 - 1980 Company Man for Pogo Producing, H&P Flex III Rig 232 (computerized) supervising drilling operations of natural
gas wells in the Lobo Trend, South Texas. 11,000 ft wells in 17 days. Tight hole problems, normal Phase I, II and III drilling,
and coordination of supplies and vendors.
Company Man for Shell on Cognac Deepwater Production Platform, GOM Louisiana.
Simultaneous operations. Emergency operations after Ivan storm. Drilling, workover and production responsibilities.
Company Man, jackup rig TODCO 207 offshore OCSG Louisiana, drilling new directional well, cementing 10-3/4" casing,
drilling 9.5" hole.
Compny Man, jackup rig TODCO 251 offshore OCSG Louisiana, completion of oil & gas
well with gaslift completion string, pressure tests, perf zone with e-wireline, run tubing, test well, jack down and away
from completed well offshore.
Drilling Foreman & Liasonman, Saudi Aramco, horizontal extended-reach geosteered
oilwells, drilling through lost circulation zones with mudcaps, 22" x 18" Phase, 16" x 13" Phase, 12"
x 9" Phase, 8" x 7" Phase, 6" x 4" Phase, horizontal oilwell completion with 4.5" tubing with
PBR and tie-back, 12,000 bbls per day crude with 0% water cut, geosteering in the middle of Arab D zone along dip, casing
seat selection from ROP charts and samples, multi-stage cementing, open-hole packers, PJSMs, reamup tight spots, Totco slickline
surveys, slickline completions with X-type plugs, flow well testing. Materials requistioning and inventorying. Rig move with
6 cranes and 40 tandem-axle flat beds of 20,000 ft drilling rig in 3 days. Desert operations with satcom and Inet communications,
including GPS. Use of Oracle daily reports and Word and Excel spreadsheets for engineering programs and inventories.
Drilling Engineer, Apache North Sea at Alba Gate, wrote Forties Echo Well 12-Side Track 1 (FES12ST1) Drilling Programme
and Detailed Drilling Guidelines for re-entry and sidetrack to new Bottom Hole Location, planned workover using Galaxy 1 jackup
rig. Pan European North Sea Survival Course. Sales trip to Venezuela. Drilling supervisor, land rig in South Texas, Phase
I and Phase II drilling vertical hole of high-pressure natural gas well. Completed IWCF course and passed surface / subsea
drilling supervisor exam in May.
Drilling Foreman, Yemen Hunt Oil Company, Al-Raja
Field, desert of Central Yemen, supervised Nabors (Henley) Rig #1 while drilling Phase II the 12-1/4¨ hole and Phase III
8-1/2¨ vertical hole with mud motor through the Safer Salt formations to the Alif Sand. Briefly worked with completion
rig, running 3-1/2 tubing for single completion on well that flowed 4,000 bopd with about 2 MMcfpd at 1800 FTP from about
10,000 ft. Made morning reports in Excel. Coordinated Beduin guards, Yemen military and Yemen sheiks for water hauling. Spoke
in Arabic with multinational crews and service personnel. Also inventoried downhole tools and completion tools in Yemen Hunt
warehouses. Had special ID tools made to my specs at the machine shops, and downhole tools repaired under my supervision.
Drilling Superintendent, Great Wall of China Drilling Co., Anaco, Vzla. Company Man, Consulting
Engineer and Drilling Engineer, and Completions Engineer, vertical, directional and horizontal land and offshore oil &
gas wells, South and West Texas, and GOM. Underbalanced drilling. Production while drilling. Slim hole drilling. Completions.
Deep air drilling. Wrote drilling, completions and workover programs. Specialized downhole tools. Fish bone drilling.
Company Man for SINCOR, Orinoco Basin, South-Central Venezuela, drilling with a hydraulic rig,
shallow, extended-reach horizontal development wells at ROPs of > 2000 fphr with LWD based on GR, advanced 3D computer
datarecording while drilling, and completions. Simultaneous extended reach completions. Bilingual, multinational site management.
Alliance Coordinator, DKES, multilateral drilling and completions, highvolume, low-pressure
deep S-shaped directional oil wells, Bogota, Colombia, in Yopal Field.
Drilling Engineer,
desert land rigs, Khuff gas wells, Saudi Aramco, Ghawar Field, Saudi Aramco. Daily reports, bit studies, sidetracks, ROPenchancement,
onsite modifications to the Khuff Deep Gas drilling programs. 7” completions.
Manager of All Operations, Pan Ocean Oil Co., Lagos, Nigeria. Condensate well control. Production. Management. Managed
all engineers in design of workovers and re-completions of 11,000 ft vertical wells in OgarafeeField, near Wari, Nigeria.
Sand control, gravel packing, and completion wireline tools. P & L responsibility. Reported to the Managing
Director of the Nigerian independent international oil company. International Exploration Team
Leader and Senior Drilling Engineer, design of drilling and completion programs of deep, high-pressure land exploration well,
selection of contractors; startup of operations, Lagoven, Maturin, Venezuela. Drilling Supervisor, Qarun
Petroleum, Western Desert of Egypt, vertical decimal overy well, EDC Rig 1. Helped decimal over the Qarun Oilfield.
Drilling Superintendent, Lake Maracaibo, floating and land rigs, WesternVenezuela, horizontal oilwell drilling
and completions. Use of PH6 premium 2-3/8¨ tubing and slotted liners for horizontal completions.
Drilling Supervisor, simultaneous workovers, Chervon, offshoreplatforms, out of Lafayette, LA. Simultaneous completions
on the main platform for 400,000 bopd.
Drilling Supervisor, worked on two jackup rigs in
the Gulf of Suez for SUCO, and helped decimal over the Zafarana Offshore Oilfield. Tested decimal overy well with coil tubing
on jackup rig. Drilling Supeervisor, worked on land rig on artificial island west of Sinai, multiple
directionals wells from pad location.
Petroleum Engineer, onshore/offshore drilling &
workovers, oil and gas wells, Pioneer Exploration, Houston. Rod-pumped wells, single and dual completions gas and oilwells,
packer selection, sand control, plugback design, and Corpus Christi Bay gas well workover. Drilling
Supervisor, directional drilling from artificial island in Gulf of Suez, PetroBel, Egypt.
Drilling Supervisor, Corpoven, deep high-pressure land drilling andcompletions from multiple, high-pressure oil sands,
Eastern Venezuela.
Drilling Superintendent, Corpoven, Anaco, land drilling andcompletions,
deep high-pressure gas wells, multiple hydraulically-set production packers, Central Venezuela.
Drilling Supervisor and Senior Engineer, Meneven, Lake Maracaibo,jackups, Western Venezuela. Complex multiple completions
from 3 zones with simultaneous production. Triple completions.
Drilling Supervisor, Kuwait
Oil Co, Kuwait, onshore vertical H2Soilwell drilling. Rubber-sleeve coring, standard 3-1/2” completion with mechanical
Drilling Supervisor, Occidental, various countries in South America, offshore semis
& onshore, including Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina. Drilling from deepwater semisubmersibleDiamond Hunter, Fortaleza,
Brazil. Drilling and completions of vertical wells.
Drilling Engineer, Aramco, design of
drilling programs, wellsitesupervision, well testing, and completions in various fields on land rigs, Saudi Arabia, including
Ghwar and Ramlah.
1976 -78 Senior Deepwater Drilling Engineer, Esso ExplorationInc., drillships,
West Africa and South America, wrote drilling and completion programs for subsea wells, for DP drillships.
1975-76 Independent Producer, Luling Oilfield, pumping wells. Drilling, design and completions and workovers
of pumping oilwells with both low and high GORs. Hydraulic fracturing of Austin Chalk and Buda Limestone shallow oilwells.
1974 -75 Applications Engineer: Hydril in Houston. Design of tubing, casing, liner, drillpipe
strings by computer. Design of completions, including multiple completions using CS and PH6.Surface and subsea BOP and BOP
stack design, including servos and hydraulics; servicing & sales. Apprentice machinist.
1973 -74 Reserve Engineer, State of Texas. Reserve study, Texasoil & gas production, municipal water well and pipeline
design and construction. Administration of state contracts.
1972 -73 Petroleum Engineer
for Gulf Oil Company out ofHouston, Houma, onshore & offshore engineering, Texas and Louisiana. Reserve engineering and
reservoir engineering.
1971 Combat Engineer, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, South Vietnam.
Officer In Charge of all water well drilling rigs and drilling activities in South Vietnam, 1971. Road construction, bridge
construction, and military operations in combat zones.
Fred Wiegand has 3 degrees from The University of Texas at Austin. Bachelor
of Science Petroleum Engineer, Bachelor of Science Petroleum Geology, and Master of Science Petroleum Engineer, specializing
in deep well design, drilling and well control, including engineering well design and advanced wellsite supervision of any
kind of drilling rig world wide. He also has an online PhD in educatioin specializing in deepwater
drilling engineer, and has annual Well Control Certificates good to 2015. Several older ones, including International Well
Control Forum surface subsea drilling supervisor in May 2003 from Well Control School, with the Interactive International
Well Control Forum subsea drilling supervisor certificate. Fred Wiegnad has had well control certificates yearly since
1977, and has authored an article about well control in the industry magazine Petroleum Engineer International. He personally
worked several kicks in his wellsite carreer, on the rig floor with the drillers and pushers on a jackup rig in GOM and on
several land rigs. He worked on a drilling rig in the desert in Yemen, “turning and burning” in a vertical hole
through the Safer Salt. He has supervised "state-of-the-art" computerized land rigs and drillships. With over 48 years of drilling work, Dr. Wiegand has designed drilling and well-completion programs and supervised
operations on many types of land rigs, and also have worked as company man on deepwater floaters, including jackup rigs, semi-submersible
rigs and a drillship. This deepwater work was off West Africa and Eastern Brazil, and includes all phases of drilling, sidetracking,
horizontal extended reach, well control, coring, stuck pipe, fishing, directional drilling, running and cementing casing and
liners, deep air drilling, conventional drilling with oil-base muds, freshwater muds, and salt muds, drilling holes from 24”
OD down to 4-3/4” OD, bit selection, coil tubing supervision for fishing and well testing from jackups, and well completions
using tubing from 1 inch to 7 inches, with multiple completions, including multilateral completions in fishbone wells. I have
also supervised many workover rigs, including hydraulic fracturing of wells, pulling rods & tubing, and balancing pump
Also, Dr. Engineer Wiegand has often designed the drilling and well completion programs for some of the
deepest wells in the world -- setting records -- with the assistance of junior engineers, as the team leader, and then implemented
the programs at the wellsite as senior drilling engineer or night company man or completions engineer. Pustaser #1, basin-centered
non-conventional discovery well for shale gas, Budapesht Hungary; . Pustaser #1 and Mako #6 deepest well in Hungary 2005 to
6,000 meters. Bertha Rogers Well #1 to 32,000 ft TVD in Oklahoma, USA. Mr. Wiegand assited in thed design was
FES12ST1, a side-track well on the Forties Echo platform in the North Sea, using Galaxy I jackup rig. He worked as supervisor
on directional gas wells in the Lobo Trend, Zapata, Texas area with a Flex Rig III. He worked as drilling / operations manager
& supervisor on Admasco Rig #5 on a complex multilateral exploratory well on the East Bank of the Dead Sea in the country
of Jordan in the Middle East, and the deepest gas well in Hungary. Have made contacts for new business in Siberia, Russia
and Poland in 2005. In 2006, Project management and reserve report for Take 5 Holdings LLC on 11,000 ft vertical wells near
Norman, OK, USA. Drilling Supervisor Well Control Engineer, deep 17,450 ft well near Pecos, West Texas, using 10 Blow Out
Preventers and snubbing unit. International Instructor for Haward Technology of Abu Dhabi, UAE, giving course entitled "Petroleum
Risk Analysis using Monte Carolo Simulation, Decision Theory, and Economics" for Middle East oil company engineers, in
Dubai. Trip to Europe Sept 06. Drilling Supervisor, Luksar, drilling deep Khuff gas vertical exploration well in Rub
Al Khali desert of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Industry petroleum engineering courses given in The Middle East.
COMPUTER EXPERIENCE Section of CV: 2018 continuing online computer work. now making
international deals using WhatsApp, an excellent computer platform for photos and videos. 2015-2013 continued
email, spreadsheets, etc. 2013 took and completed eLearning well control course online. 2012 - 2011
PowerPoint slide shows with 750 slides per Wiegand Inc. industry petroleum engineering course. Designed and presented
seven petroleum engineering courses, including Deepwater Well Design and Management in Singapore in October 2011, and Deepwater
Drilling Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2009. Proprietary database analysis real time by WiFi worldwide.
Leading instructor for Haward Technology Middle East in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the world's leading financial center with
the only / best 7 star hotel in the world -- Burj Dubai. DRSS orders under Oracle, as used by Aramco
for logistics supplies and inventory controls. Sophisticated documentation for daily requests for supplies at
150 drilling rigs operating 24 hrs per day in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the largest oil company in the world --
15 million bopd ( pure oil ). 2010 - 2006 Online world wide work. International instructor
of "Petroleum Exploration Risk Analysis using Monte Carlo simluation, Decision Theory, and Economics" in Dubai,
UAE, with Middle East students online during course. Advanced math and advanced computer techonology. 2003 - 2005 Daily use of Internet. Continuation of software and hardware studies. Computer systems: 3.0 GHz, 100
Gigabyte HDD, WiFi and WiLAN, LAN, 56Kv90 modems, and USB connections for digital photography and document scanning. Wireless
transmissions of Daily Drilling Reports in DIMS, and daily reports in Excel and FoxPro. Well design with Word. Other
proprietary computer programs, including WellCAT. 2002 PC Technician courses
and Certificate, hardware & software, use of Excel spreadsheets and Excel Course 1. Hardware assembly and testing. 2001 - 99 Applications, including hardware installation & trouble-shooting. Software updates. Webpages, .html,
and some FoxPro applications to telephony. 1999 - 86 Computer Design & Applications Engineer / Consultant, working out of Lockhart,
TX, on many projects using most of the popular integrated programs, and use of some proprietary programs. Database management.
Hardware upgrading. Networking. LANs. InterNet programming, protocol setup, Webpage design using html, and other projects
including some CAD/CAM work, AutoCAD 13. Many spreadsheets including Excel, VP, Symphony, Lotus 123, LWorks, MultiPlan, Procalc,
and others. Many integrated wordprocessor -database -spreadsheet programs, including Wordperfect various versions, DBMS, Wordstar,
FirstChoice, Professional Write, Microsoft Works, and others. GE Fanuc control systems for CNC 5-axes turning centers. 1986- 81 Hardware & Software Design & Application, Field Engineer, Egypt, setup FoxBase system to send daily
drilling reports via SSB & satellite telephones to Houston, TX, from offshore rigs in Gulf of Suez. Other applications.
1978 - 81 Design & Application of Software, Delta Petroleum, Houston, TX, proprietary
software & database management, programming with BASIC & Visual BASIC and ARIES. Use of TRS 80 I, III, 4P, laptops,
and PCs. 1978 - 73 Sales / Design, Hydril, Houston, TX, operated HP9810A for designing
pipelines with proprietary software. 1973 - 70 Computer Specialist/Engineer, Gulf Oil
Co., Houston, TX, data entry in proprietary reservoir engineering programs on mainframe computers with proprietary software
on IBM hardware. Team manager of multi-decimal ipline group on computerized mathematical modeling programs. 1971 Vietnam 1970 - 64 Entered UTA Univesity of Texas at Austin , and
began computer science, earth science, and engineering using IBM 1620 with Fortran with punch cards. Graduated. End of Computer Experience Section.
Publications: "Deepwater Drilling Engineering", WEI, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July
2009. "Artificial Lift Optimization -- 10 methods of artificial
lift", Dubai 2010. more public and private courses "Modern Production Practices", Haward Technology, Dubai, UAE,
published and presented as public industry course in Dubai, UAE, 28 January - 1 February 2007.
"Well Completions and WorkOvers", published and presented as industry course in Abu Dhabi,
UAE, 18 - 25 January 2007. "Petroleum Risk Analysis,
Decision Theory, and Economics", Haward Technology - PetroLab Engineering of Abu Dhabi, UAE, published and presented
as industry course in Dubai, UAE 9 - 14 September 2006.
"The Design & Application of a BASIC Computer
Program for Pocket Computers for Well Kill Operations", published worldwide in Petroleum Engineer Magazine, May, 1989.
Master of Science Thesis, "The Construction and Application of a High-Voltage Pulse Generator for Studies
in Rock Mechanics", The University of Texas at Austin," 1970. PhD Woodfield University online, with references to Nigeria technical manager work, doctoral dissertation "Deepwater
Drilling Engineering", 1992. Honorably
disharged decorated Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, Corps of Engineers, Vietnam combat veteran.
Notable significant achievements
to the benefit of my employers and associates and contracting companies:
Assisted in - The drilling of many oil and gas wells in many countries, sometimes in extreme
- The completion
and repair (workover) of many oil and gas wells in many countries.
- The discovery of several large oil and gas fields in several countries, including
Zafarana in the Gulf of Suez for British Petroleum.
- The production of hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude oil.
- The production of billions of cubic feet of natural gas.
- The design of offshore and land production facilities,
their contruction and maintenance.
- The design and maintenance of many drilling rigs, including semis and jackups.
- The management of an independent oil and gas company in Nigeria.
- The mentoring of junior engineers
in other countries in other languages, including well control.
- The development of computerized methods for advancing technology in petroleum engineering.
- Presidents of small Texas, Mexico and Finland corporations,
with legal training. Contractor protocols.
- Other achievements, including the repair of many depleted oil and gas wells in Texas and Louisiana and GOM.
- International Instructor, Haward Technology of
Abu Dhabi, UAE, September 2006 to 2007, presented many industry public and in-house courses for Middle East oil companies.
- International oil and gas well management and sales