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3 March 2025

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solid contract to buy barite mine near Monterrey, Mexico

Ingeniero Federico Wiegand has various mines for sale in Mexico, including, but not limited to the following:
silver mines  from $10 million USA to $25 million US Dollars
lead mines from $12 million USDollars to $65 million US Dollars
molybdenum mines from $50 million USDollars to $200 million US Dollars
optical calcite mines from $10 million USD to $45 million USD
barite mines from $15 million USD to $125 million USD
phosphate mines from $25 million to $500 million USD
bulk barite for sale, by the ton or by the 40 kg bag
gold mines from $100 million USD to $250 million USD
feldspar mine only $5 million, needs investor to buy equipment to operate mine
limestone rock quarry operation,  only one million US Dollars, presently operating and importing rock into Texas.
basalt  mine  in State of Tamaulipas, Mexico,  needs investor to help buy heavy mining equipment
requested investment = $5 million USD  with 2 to 1 return in 2 years
basalt crushed stone is used for railroad track base rock, some special highways, and other public works applications.
basalt crushed rock can be produced to meet buyer's specs.
also might be used for weighting materials for drilling wells for well control, when ground to powder size 200 fine API





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due diligence on some, but not all mines, and mining documents
information available upon email / voice requests by prequalified and serious buyers, only

barite for sale

 by the ton


by the 40 kg nylon bag or  1 USA  ton  superbag

 high quality; good SG; fairly pure 94 %

precipitated pure barite powder for sale, imported


laser-quality optical calcite crystals for sale, 2 cm rhombs with optical factor 3

Wanted:  investor  to  finance  new  lab  for preparation of  optical  calcite crystals  for export


