After filling out tax protest forms in January, and again in July 2020, and then waiting until 17 August
2020 for my turn to be heard; the leader of the Caldwell County TX Tax Protest Board knowingly went on the speaker phone
and mumbled. The board was 20 minutes late to the appointed hour of 10:00 am. None of the board members apologized
for this 20 minutes delay. Instead, the female board leader mumbled something, and said, "You have five minutes
to make each of your protest presentations." I said loudly into my speaker phone, "Bull Shit ! I
have as much time as I want." We went through the normal comparisons of values, and the reasons why. But the biggest
complaint I have, and have had, with Caldwell County corrupt present-day so-called politicians, and former has-been politicians,
is that they denied my combat Texas veterans 100% disability exemption to stop all Caldwell County taxes on my homestead.
This is a greater insult that mumbling into their speaker phone in such a way that I could not hear what they were saying,
so I repeatedly shouted, "I can NOT hear you. Please speak more loudly and / or get closer to your speaker phone."
They each and all know this, and this is an illegal method of denying the required information to the taxpayer, i.e., me.
Throughout my life, I have had continuous problems with Caldwell County and its corrupt local politicians and the
Caldwell County TX Appraisal District. They have discriminated against me illegally for several reasons, the most
obvious reasons are 1. I have dual USA and Mexican citizenship, and 2. I have had an international career
as international petroleum consultant in over 25 countries. 3. Besides that, my 141.38 acre tract CCAD13489 stands
in their way of extending Martin Luther King Industrial Blvd. inside the city limits of Lockhart, Caldwell County, TX; and
4. with four university degrees, they have always seen me as "an uneducated outsider", even though I
have lived almost 75 years in Caldwell County, Texas, and done things that one-county country bumpkins can not even imagine,
including day-before-yesterday surviving the Devil's Backbone Sierra Madre Oriental deadly mountain road, in my return
from Mazatlan, Sinaloa (Chapo's home state).
Therefore, I will appeal today's wrongful
denials of my rightful exemptions and real estate classifications. Eventually, I hope to bring a civil lawsuit against Caldwell
County in a Texas state district court, and transfer it to a Federal court in Austin. I told them so. Frederick
Wiegand Jr. Tel. 202 239 8117 // Tel. 210 399 5831 // Tel. 512
938 7045 // WhatsApp 01152 824 105 9207