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3 March 2025


blocking an abandoned county road is "legal" in Caldwell County, Texas.


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Kinnard new fence using Dale Olson survey violates Texas Transportation Code section 250, and illegally blocks abandoned County Road 220.

lawsuit  2009 - Other - 0369, Texas district court, Caldwell County, Texas
I  say that a DA who brings a false felony suit against a long-standing taxpayer who has lived 67 years on the Wiegand Ranch, based on unproved witness testimony of an unemployed younger woman who  owns  no  land  in  the  USA,  is committing a felony.
This abandonded County Road 220  follows  a league  line  established in 1824,  and  was  approved  by  various  governments since  that  year, and re-established in 1830.   The abandoned part of  Caldwell County Road 220  has  NEVER  been  legally vacated by the County, in spite of many  requests  by the various  members of the Navene Wiegand family.    
The  controversy  is  partly about  accepting  an  established  road  along  a boundaryline not perfectly straight,  or  moving  the  road  and two  bridges  to conform  to  GPS  Total  Station  measurements of an out of county surveyor  in 2009 at the request  of  the adjoining landowner, according to the City of Lockart's suggestion, in the city of Lockhart,  which   a  judge  has  decided  without  any court hearing  nor  jury  trial.  The local  judge  who saw  the fence  across the County Road 220 to the Wiegand house, and then had  the DA bring  criminal proceedings,   was CORRUPT,  and abusing state law for polictical and personal monetary gain,  while breaking United States federal laws.  The fence-builder said THEY were setting  a  trap  for me,  and I  found out that what he said,  IS  true
  I   am  soliciting  competent legal assistance to  deal with local politics
         Photos  shows  Caldwell County road  workers putting up new sign one hundred feet into old county road 220,  and Caldwell County administrative judge Tom Bonn  ignores  barbed-wire  fence  blocking the  rest of the road  to Wiegand Ranch !