3 March 2025


World Wide Drilling Engineering & Supervision


ADPAluminium drill pipe
AFEAuthority for expenditure
APIAmerican Petroleum Institute
B/UBottoms up
BHABottom hole assembly
BHOSub Bottom hole orientation sub
BHPBottom hole pressure
BODBasis of Design
BOPBlow out preventer
CBLCement bond log
CHHCasing head housing
CLPChoke line pressure
DCDrill collar
DDRDaily drilling report
DIMSDrilling information management system
DMSDrilling management system
DPDrill pipe
DSDrill string standard
DSTDrill string test
DSVDown hole safety valve
DSVDrilling supervisor
ECDEquivalent circulating density
ECPExternal casing packer
ECPICVExternal casing packer internal control valve
EMWEquivalent mud weight
ESDEmergency shut down
FGFormation pressure equivalent density
FITFormation integrity test
FMSFlush mounted slips
FMSFormal method statement
GORGas oil ratio
HAZOPHazard and operability analysis
HCRHigh closing ratio
HPHigh pressure
HPEHydrostatic pressure equivalent of 1bbl mud in well
HPHTHigh pressure high temperature
HWDPHeavy weight drill pipe
IBOPInternal blow out preventer
IDInternal diameter
IFGInflux density
IWCFInternational well control forum
JSAJob Safety Analysis
KOPKick off point
KPIKey performance indicator
KTKick tolerance
LCMLost circulation material
LMRPLower marine riser package
LOTLeak off test
LPLow pressure
LTILost time incident
LWDLogging while drilling
MAASPMaximum annular allowable surface pressure
MDMeasured depth
MMSCF/DMillion standard cubic feet per day
MODUMobile offshore drilling unit
MPIMagnetic particle inspection
MRMigration rate
MSTMagnetic steering toll
MWMud weight
MWDMeasurement while drilling
NDTNon destructive testing
NMDCNon-magnetic drill collar
NPTNon productive time
OBMOil based mud
ODOutside diameter
OIMOperation's installation manager
OWEOffshore well engineer
P&IDSPiping and instrumentation diagram
PBRPolished ball receptacle
PCWDPressure control while drilling - rotating diverter / head
PDCPolycrystalline diamond compact
PDMPositive displacement mud motor
PFDProcess flow diagram
POBPersonnel on board
POBMPseudo oil based mud
POOHPull out of hole
PPGPounds per gallon
PSIPounds per square inch
PTWpermit to work
PVTPit volume totaliser
RDMRegional drilling manager
RIHRun in hole
ROVRemotely operated vehicle - robotic submarine
RPMRevolutions per minute
RTTSRetrievable packer
SCRSlow circulation rate
SCSSVSub surface safety valve
SFSafety factor
SICPShut in casing pressure
SIDPPShut in drill pipe pressure
SPMStrokes per minute
SSPStand pipe pressure
TCLTubing conveyed logging
TFATotal force area
TIWTexas iron works
TOCTop of cement
TRSSSVTubing retrievable sub surface safety valve.
TVDTotal vertical depth
TVDRKBTotal vertical depth rotary Kelly bushing
UBDUnder balanced drilling
UBHOsubUniversal bottom hole orientation sub
ULSELUltra-long spaced electronic log
VBRVariable bore rams
WOHWeight on hook
W&WWait & weight well kill method
WBMWater based mud
WOBWeight on bit
WWDWorld wide drilling