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3 March 2025

the gander and the goose

the gander and the goose

Here comes Cassandra and her mother Fredrica, and act totally innocent in the Texas State District Court in Lockhart, TX, with their attorney Cliff.  All three of them know full well then and know now (23 May 2018) that the court order of the Texas State District Court in Ector County, TX, specifies that Cassandra pay child support for Cassandra's only legitimate daughter.  All three testify against Uncle Frederick,  in Texas state district court in Lockhart, TX, while intentionally ignoring the court order in Cassandra's divorce in Odessa, TX, where she was married to Mike, a convicted drug narco felon and her other illegitimate son Jonathan D D, a convicted sex-offender, whom mother and daughter brought to Lockhart, TX.  Frederick caught Jonathan stealing jewlery in Frederick's double wide mobile home at 75 Thayer Road, adjoining one of Fredrica's homes, where she hides her daughter Cassandra from the law.  Cassandra does not have any real estate nor bills because her mother Fredrica pays all of Cassandra's expenses, in order that the law does not catch up with Cassandra.  But soon the Texas State District Court will find all three of these persons who have various legal responsiblities by court orders, and it looks like all three of them will be either put in jail soon, or forced to pay the child support.  The Child Support Division of the Texas Attorney General Office in Austin has the responsiblity to force parents to pay child support.  But Fredrica has hidden Cassandra, and when it looks like the law will catch up with her, Fredrica puts Cassandra in the Seaton Mental Health Hospital in Austin for a week or two.  That has gone on for years.  Meanwhile, these three act like "goody goodies" and all innocent, and convince the Lockhart State District Judge Boyer to give a big judgment against brother - uncle Frederick.  In other words, these three individuals "horn-swoogled" the Lockhart judge. The lawyer should be disbarred because he "fooled" the judge by not informing the judge of the court orders that he knew about,  in Ector County, TX.  Otherwise, Cassandra would have been arrested when she testified in court, against her Uncle Frederick.  That makes the lawyer, who supposedly was and is an officer of the court, an accomplice to "dupe" the court in Lockhart, simply by NOT divulging the information that the lawyer was required to divulge to the judge, before the judge rendered an opinion.  He violated the Code of Ethics of the Texas State Bar.  And that also makes Fredrica the mother of Cassandra an accomplice to "dupe" the court by hiding Cassandra from the laws of the State of Texas, and preventing the arrest of Cassandra while at the same time, promoting Cassandra to refuse to pay child support and sign the documents required by the Texas State District Court of Ector County, TX.  Based upon the life.time experiences of Frederick,  "What's good for the gander, is good for the goose."  Therefore, Frederick prays that the State of Texas, with all of its powers, incarcerate both Cassandra and her mother Fredrica for refusal to pay child support for Cassandra's only legitimate daughter under TX laws; for contempt of court; and require that they (Cassandra Carp and Fredrica Carp ) pay all back-owed child support, and sign the documents ordered by the Texas State District Court in Ector County, TX.


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