3 March 2025


Durante la primera semana de enero de 2013, Ing. Federico Wiegand  tomo el curso de Well Control School Inc. de Houston, en linea  por onlineuniversity eLearning System 21,  y  completó todas las simulaciones de control de pozo, superficie y bajo mar subsea,  ganando  un grado de 93% en el examen final.                       enero  2013  .  este certificado tiene dos años de vigencia. 

February, Fred Wiegand and son Carl Wiegand completed the Wild Well Control Inc. surface and subsea well control course in Brossard, Louisiana, with certificates valid until February 2011.

On 14 December 2007, Fred  completed the Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc. two week drilling engineering and IADC WellCap well control course in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with graduation certificate. Instructors included Bill Murchison, Sr., Bill Murchison Jr., and Charles Sanders.  Chris and Anna also helped Fred.   Thanks to all of you.  This is the most advanced drilling engineering class Fred has ever attended at industry, Federal government, and international standards.

Well Control Certificate Supervisor Level, Surface and Subsea, IADC WellCap valid for 2 years.



 Boots & Coots well control course and certiificate 2008.

Certified well control every year since 1977 Esso well control school in Houston, Texas.

petroleum engineering international instructor

Haward Technology Middle East

