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3 March 2025

Ronda Tres contrato para reparar pozos productivos 

oil and gas wells in Mexico need repairs // bidding has STARTED !

The printed 130 page Ronda 1_L3 contrato to repair about 320 formerly-productive shallow oil and gas wells is ready.  What is needed is a very sophisticated international oil and gas investor, just one, to help me move my drilling / workover rig to the first well.  Transport cost about a hundred thou pesos. Expected hoped-for ROI 3:1 in six months.  You figure the interest rate on that ecuasion, and wire me the money to one of my Mexican bank accounts.  This is sqeaky clean, and passes all laws for money laundering.  Backd by Govt law firms and new Mexican Energy Reform laws of EPN.  The one block I want is in the state of Veracruz, where my father started his oil/gas career in 1924.  It is NOT easy to meet the requirements of SENER (Secretary of ENERgy) and CNH (Commission National of Hydrocarbons) of the Govt of Mexico.  I  have a very highly qualified team of Mexican engineers, geologists and lawyers, which team can put YOUR  bid together soonest.  The bid winners have been announced.  I  have a shallow drilling / workover rig here in Mexico that I can use to meet the requirements of performance, and that and my 50 years+ of pumping oilwells is my contribution to the JV Alianza.  I need cash in my Mexico bank accounts to pay many other bidding expenses, including the bond, viaticos for traveling, meetings, lawyers, CPAs, etc.    Do not think you can import and put together a drilling / workover rig and bid on the project in 30 days.  Better to get me to help you do this because I have been getting ready for over 5 years now -- all my life.  I am personally interested in a salt.dome 30deg. shallow oilfield near Cuatsacualcus, Veracruz, Mexico.  I can get about 320 cased 1200 ft holes in one bid.lot, and put the field back into production in planned.phases, 100 wells/ph. I have one shallow drilling/workover rig in Mexico stackd, and need to buy 5 Luling.style.backin.workover rigs for rod.jobs and tubing.jobs.  I have to buy two hundred 210s, one hundred gunbarrels, and one hundred D40 pump jacks, and re.equip 100 1200ft holes with rodpumps, rods, and 2".  I can buy the 5hp electric motors here. These are the kinds of shallow pumping oilwells that I grewup on with my father and uncles with the Wiegand Bros oil wells in Texas.  I have some packers, rod pumps, and such equipment in Texas, that we can use.  But  what I need now  is a money cow.  An initial investmtent of  about two million USD, should yield 500 bopd in one year.  This is a labor.intensive project, but I can handle it because I speak Spanish 99%, and have already got my Grupo WWW into action with Villahermosa and the DF.  There are alot of legal requirements to get the first 2 mm$ deposit into my bank in Mexico; so we need to get the ball rolling ASAP.  Part of the deposit will instantly be paid to SENER as a bond, and I will not be able to spend it any other way.  The bond is refundable after the termination of the contract.  My international alliance JV partner (you) will have access to all the bookkeeping by at least one licensed reputable CPA, Sergio, be invited to watch the project unfold, and  spend some time in a 5.star hotel in Boca del Rio, VZ, where I will take one of my sailboats next.  You can see it all on youtube.com .   Fred  Mex cel  521  824 105 9207

Rondas 1, 2  y  3 de SENER y CNH de Mexico

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