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3 March 2025

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JV partners

Rodney Barrington Nunn
43 years of oilfield experience worlwide
JV partner with Fred "World Wide Wiegand"
                                                          Rodney Barrington Nunn
Profile:   Operations Manager/Drilling Superintendent/Supervisor with extensive experience acting as Company Representative as well as drilling contractor’s Senior Drilling Man on site.  Experienced in all types of rig operation working in hazardous environments and in all types of international location with a successful track in achieving performance targets in a safe manner. 
  • Knowledge and understanding of drilling rig operations on offshore platforms, Jack ups, Drillships, Semi,s, Tender/Barge assisted operations, All types of Land rigs including Hydraulic & Cyber rigs, (Drilling rigs range from 350hp-3000hp) and snubbing units
  • Experienced in coil tubing Horizontal drilling (after cutting window in casing and setting whipstock with coil tubing) Coil tbg nitro/acid clean ups and well displacement, setting of plugs/inflatables with slickline, electric wireline/Tractors, Coil tbg. Tools used Schlmb, Baker, Halliburton.
  • Experienced in all aspects of Workovers/Completions, (Plug backs/Re-Perforation, Slick Line/ Electric Logging/Fishing operations, Casing Liners, Wellhead change outs, Milling/Cuttting windows, Whipstocks, setting inflatables etc. Running Dual/Single string Oil/Gas completions, Gravel packing, Fracking operations, Water Well Drilling, Completions/Workovers.
  • Experienced in managing hazardous drilling operations including high H2S/SO2 and HPHT Oil/Gas wells. Trained in the most demanding of safety standards and procedures to ensure safe operations
  • A good personnel manager and communicator at all levels, with experience in supervising multi-national drilling crews and all on site disciplines in English, Conversational in French and Arabic languages         
  • Computer literate with experience in using MS software, Landmark/Wellview, IDS, Open wells, Dims, Sap, various excel Drilling Report programs.
Career History: Independent Drilling Specialist                                                
2001 - PresentProviding Oil/Gas Drilling/Workover Wellsite Supervision contracted services through Rosona Ltd – have undertaken a number of assignments including –  Aramco Saudi Arabia                                                             
Responsible for Site, Enviroment, Safety, Supervising all aspects of the Drilling, Dst testing and Well suspension of HPHT Gas/Oil wells 6000M +_ deep. Drilled by the Nabors Land rig 622 which is a newly built  2000HP rig  with a new Campsite and Rig Office facilities.  Operations are based out of  Damamm. These wells  contain a very high percentage of H2S. (Rig/Campsite equipped with H2S. Cascade system with Remote monitoring facilities around Rig /Campsites perimeters)  Other responsibilities include the Ordering/Supervision of all Casing/Cementing crews, The Dst crews and Well Testing service crews, Slickline/Wireline crews, Wellhead Installation personnel, and Trucking and Logistics. (doing this work on a continuous basis with minimal time off) Total Petroleum Qatar                                                               October 2010 – April 2011:RSES/Senior Drilling SupervisorResponsible for Site, Enviroment, Safety, also for all Oilwell drilling and workover operations and the running of all ESP completions (dual/single) and Water Injection well completions from Noble Roy Rhodes Jack up over the offshore platforms in the gulf, offshore Qatar. Also responsible for all SIMOPS  being carried out as the platforms are in full production mode and water injectivity being carried out to enhance reservoir production. Have to take full responsibility for the Platform crews, Service hands, as well as the Drilling crews and all HSE issues and permit to work system. Finished at end of April when the rig went off hire and company unable to get a replacement rig for several months.                                                                                                                                                        
 Regal Petroleum – Yahkniky Ukraine:                                          August 2010 – October 2010:Senior Drilling SupervisorSenior Drilling Supervisor on a HPHT gas well drilling project , supervising a 2000Hp cyber rig (Saipem Land rig  5915) drilling to 6,500m, responsible for all onsite activities and HSE and logistics and daily costs etc. We drill and test and then install the completion and install the production tree and hook up to the production line. All casing running and wireline activities, cementing carried out under direct supervision of the senior drilling supervisor, all work has to comply with Regal  and the Ukraine Mining regulations. A high level of Hse required as the locations are remote and in farmland so the environmental issues are very strict. This contract temporarily suspended due to onset of winter.                         
             EDF Energy Cheshire UK                                                                March 2010 – August 2010Senior Drilling SupervisorWorking on behalf of Halliburton Special Projects division as the Senior Drilling Supervisor overseeing the running of two Drillmec hydraulic land rigs also responsible for running rigless operations involving running drill pipe and 13-3/8” and 9-5/8” 7” completions. Engaged in drilling new wells for gas storage, carrying out relining work on existing brine wells, overseeing the construction of the drilling pads. Responsible for ensuring the MIT testing and subsequent nitrogen pressuring up of caverns is carried out safely and all HSE issues are dealt with responsibly as we are working in an environmentally sensitive area and we have to keep the local communities informed at all times. We attend all interface meetings between ourselves and the other contractors involved on the project discuss HSE issues with EDF and all partners and help plan the logistics and transport issues due to limited access to the drilling and construction sites. Have recently undergone training on the Halliburton Permit  to work system as I am now responsible for HSE  for all operations on all sites.
 Shell MalaysiaSarawak                                                       June 2009 – Feb. 2010Senior Drilling SupervisorSenior drilling supervisor on a semi tender assisted rig doing first the rig building on platform, then completing workover phase (kill well, set inflatable plug by tractor change out xmas tree and tbg head etc). then moving into the drilling phase setting whipstock, cutting window, and drilling new lateral for 3000’ (Also drilling new wells using PMCD methodologies and Geopilot steering assemblys.) Run completion, recover inflatable plug, flare off/clean up well and evaluate flowrates and install new xmas tree and handover  to production. De mobilize rig and move to next platform. As senior drilling supervisor also responsible for the implementation of the Shell life saving rules and all other HSE related issues. The wells are drilled fast as the formation allows it, the rig moves are also done fast as all the units are pinned together in packages weighting up to 200 tons a lift. On these type of operations the Logistics planning is crucial to the  drilling program as everything goes so fast.Also studying I.O.S.H.  C.O.S.H. and N.E.B.O.S.H.  HSE  courses with the intention of gaining further HSE qualifications. 
BP Pakistan - Sindh Province Pakistan                                    April 2008 – March. 09Well Site Team Leader - Kaskhelli Fields Sindh province              Supervised two rigs, one engaged in oil development drilling operations, the other doing completions and ESP workovers and converting depleted wells to injection wells.  Also responsible for implementation and adherence to BP Hse policies and procedures on the rigsites and campsites and during rig transportation.·         The drilling rig is a 2000 HP with Pyramid derrick and Le Turneau top drive, two mud pumps and Brandt shale shakers/centrifuges·         Drilling to an average depth of 12,500’ logging all sections and open hole testing before handing well over to workover/completions rig.
 Veba Oil Operations - Libya                                                     2007 – 2008Field Superintendent/Senior Drilling Supervisor - Amal/Ghani fields Sirte BasinResponsible for supervising two rigs, one engaged in oil drilling operations, the other doing completions, sucker rod and ESP workovers and converting depleted wells to injection wells. Overall responsibility for all Wellsite HSE policy,s adherence and implementation. 
Margham Gas Field - Dubai –Drilling Supervisor                                                    2007Responsible for the Safe and effiecient operation of a Hydraulic Snubbing/Workover unit performing Milling/Fishing operations on Live Gas wells. (using all Baker Inteq Slim Hole Tools) preparing the wells for Coil Tbg.Drilling operations.Resposible for ensuring all contractors met the High Safety standards demanded on this type of operation, and that all equipment conformed to requirements. Responsible for all Wellsite HSE and Subsequent handover to Production.                          
  PetroCanada - Holland                                                              2006 – 2007Drilling Supervisor - De Ruyter Project in the North SeaA member of the in house drilling team, drilling/completing a vertical oil well with two horizontal laterals and then followed by a vertical exploration well and a deviated exploration well.  ·         Used the latest technology from Baker Hughes including modular motors, steerable assy, hook hanger completions and latest sand screen technology.  ·         Involved in KCL mud system and coil tubing clean ups.·         Responsible for all wellsite HSE implementation and adherance 
 Repsol / Petrobras Iran - Iran                                                   Jun 2006 – Nov 2006Company Representative / Senior Drilling Supervisor - Forooz ProjectResponsibilities included
  • Assisting in setting up operations centre, pipe yard and HSE on Kish Island
  • Carrying out rig inspection on jack-up rig Shahid Rajie to ensure rig up to international standards and ensuring all terms/conditions of contract were met. 
  • Responsible for all logistics and HSE matters, Supervising the Drilling Operations on a Gas Exploration well using KCL based mud. 
 CTOC (Petronas Hess) Malaysia                                             Apr 2006 – Jun 2006Senior Drilling SupervisorResponsible for all operations offshore on behalf of CTOC, firstly on semi-submersible rig the Ocean General, then on the tender assisted platform rig MTR-1.  Directional Drilling through to completion and clean up while performing SIMOPS on adjacent wells.(3 well program) These Gas wells where drilled fast as the formation allows fast drilling. All the rig moves are carried out quickly as the packages are pinned together on master skids and lifted by 200 ton crane. It,s crucial to get the logistics planning right as the wells are drilled so fast and the rig moves go fast.
 Senior Drilling Supervisor                                                         2005 – 2006Working  for various Companies including – (all wells HPHT Exploration wells) As senior drilling supervisor also responsible for all wellsite HSE issues and implementation of safe practises.-
ConocoPhillips - Qatar - jack-up rig Ocean Heritage -
Perenco Eritrea - Eritrea - GSF 141 jack-up -
Premier Oil Gabon (SPD Ltd) Gabon jack-up GSF Adriatic 9 offshore Gabon            -
PPL (KCAD Special Projects) Pakistan - jack-up Ensco 95 offshore Pakistan  
TotalFinaElf - Iran                                                                     2003 – 2004RSES /Senior Drilling SupervisorResponsible for all rig and production facility construction activities and operations on the Kharg site, implementing Total SIMOPS procedures and ensuring the highest standards of safety training due to high H2S/SO2 safety issues. 
  • Supervised the construction of two purpose built land rigs, carried out the rig acceptance program as per Total contractual requirements and eventually signing off and accepting them.
  • Started the drilling program with Rig 51 on it,s ten slot pad, Then started and stayed with RIG 63 (which achieved 1 year No LTA) Drilling conditions where extreme with no conformity between wells. Carried out Water well injection well drilling/completions, Vertical/Inclined /Horizontal oil well drilling/completions. Coil tbg stimulation and clean ups, Logging using latest Schlmb technology (tractors/roller boogies) Whilst the Drilling was ongoing the Construction crews where building the Production facility and Installing pipelines alongside the Drilling pad which made me responsible for the overall safety and any HSE issues  on the rigsite/campsites and the construction site.
PDO / SHELL - Oman                                                               2001 – 2003Senior Drilling Supervisor - PDO/Shell drilling to the limit programLed the Wellsite Drilling Team which included Geologists, Mud Engineer and Petroleum Engineer. 
  • Drilled horizontal oil producing wells, with either sucker rod completions or electric submersible completion systems. 
  • Compiled the end of well and environmental reports, supervised the ordering of all wellsite materials (SAP System) and responsible for the end of well costs.
  • Responsible for the Stop safety procedures adherence, incident reporting, investigation procedures, journey management, rig site acceptance and handover to production.  The rig successfully completed one year no LTA.
 AGOC / AOC Saudi Arabia                                                       1997 – 2001Operations Manager / GDSCo-ordinated and ran day to day operations offshore of two 150 ft water depth independent leg jack-ups of Baker Marine Design doing oil/gas well production drilling/completions/workovers
  • Controlled four marine supply vessels, materials and personnel, providing technical advice for drilling and workover operations and information on the material and equipment related to any well services.
  • Assisted with the running of a smaller jack-up that involved well testing, flow evaluation, coil tubing intervention, clean ups and slick line work.
  • Also required to stand in for the Offshore Drilling Supervisors and the Senior drilling engineer for holiday periods. The work took place in the Dorra, Hout, Khaffji fields in the Neutral zone between Saudia Arabia and Kuwait. I resided in Al-Khafji (Saudia Arabia)
 Dietsmann India, North Atlantic Netherlands,                         May 1991 – Dec 1997Intairdrill Libya Ltd, CPTL Libya.-Rig Superintendent, Rig Manager, Senior Drilling Supervisor/Well Services Supervisor. – Jack ups, Land Rigs engaged in Horizontal/vertical and extended reach production drilling/completions/workovers,Water Injection wells. Artificial lift completions and workovers (Sucker rods and ESP.) Coil tbg clean ups. Responsible for all HSE issues on the rigsites and the campsites and during rig moves Offshore and Onshore.  
Gupco / Sonat / Odeco / SA Forex - Various Locations            1969 – 1991Penrod drilling uk, India Offshore Inc. Diietsmann India - Roustabout through to Driller, Senior Toolpusher/Oim, Rig Superintendent – Platform rigs, land rigs, tender/barge assisted jack-ups, four leg and three legged jack-up, drillships/semi,s  platform workover rigs. Engaged in Gas/Oil exploration drilling, production drilling, horizontal drilling, Completions and workovers. Water well drilling completions and workovers.   
Royal Air Force - RAF Coltishall                                                1964 - 1969Air Force Cadet - Trained as a Heavy Plant Fitter Training / Certificates:- Offshore Installation Manager/DOE/HSE                              - Drilling Engineering Principles and Practise- Drilling Supervisor/IWCF/Formerly/HSE/EWCF/DOE     - IADC Man Management & Rig Management - Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering                     - IDC Trainee Driller Program- Crane Operator/Offshore & Onshore, CITB                          - Offshore Survival/Fire fighting/First aid- Barge Captain/Lifeboat Coxwain/ABS                      - Hydrogen Sulphide Training/Courses- Heavy Plant Fitter (certified)                                    - Permit to work & associated responsibilities- Defensive driving (Blacktop/Desert)                          - Safety Leadership TrainingHold PDO/Shell & Total – HSE Passports                          

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