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3 March 2025

Mexico's  2014 Energy  Reform  Laws  allow  non-Mexican  companies  to  participate in the Mexican oil and gas industry for the first time since the expropriation of March 1938.

investing in the oil & gas business in Mexico 2014

Mexico's  2014 Energy Reform Laws  allow  non-Mexican  oil and gas companies to participate in the Mexican oil & gas industry for the first time since the March 1938 Expropriation. 

The  2014 New Energy Reform Laws of the Mexico Government  allow the awarding  of  special  contracts  to private and international companies. This  allows  E & P  activities  through government-owned  companies  and  also through privately owned and  public international companies, using four basic contractual models, being 1.  service agreements,  2.  profit-sharing agreements, 3.  production-sharing  agreements, and 4.  Exploration and Production licenses.  All four agreement forms  shall be  negotiated after  further legislation by the Mexican Congress this year 2014.  The national oil company  has a first right of refusal over  lease blocks, as  approved  by  the  Mexico Ministry  of  Energy ( Secretary of Energy ).  "Round Zero"  will be announced  soon, and  opportunities for non-Mexican  E&P companies  will become available to (a) continue  E & P activities in progress, and (b) to make new discoveries.  Some blocks will not be assigned directly to the Mexican national oil company, and SENER will decide which  winning bidders  will be awarded those blocks, based upon the public tender process of the National Hydrocarbons Commission ( CNH ).  CNH  will award the contracts  and manage same.  1P reserves, 2P reserves, and 3P reserves  maybe will be retained by the national oil company, but  most of the conventional  onshore and shallow-water offshore blocks and some deepwater blocks may become available to non-Mexican companies, with the permission of CNH.  This includes some horizontal well shale gas plays mostly in the North along the USA border.  CNH  approval of the possible plans is expected  by September 2014.

Frederick Wiegand II  is  a  registered  Mexican  provider vendor and contractor to the Mexican national oil company, and also has contacts  with the Mexican Petroleum Institutue, with  the Comision Nacional de Hidrocarburos and also  with  the Secretariat of Energy.  Therefore,  Frederick Wiegand II as an individual, and also as a completely-Mexican-owned small business corporation,  can  assist  ANY  bona fide company which  wishes  to  bid  in Round Zero, and / or  negotiate with the largest bidders.  One  example of  needs in Mexico are CTU companies and liftboats for offshore platforms.   Frederick ( Federico in Spanish ) is qualified and RWA to help  with  negotiations and representations of ANY  company to do oil & gas business in Mexico under the New Reform Laws.  Note  that  representations by  contract, or limited powers of attorney, are  best, because  most  legal documents should be notarized by official Mexican Notarios Pu'blicos, to have a binding effect.  Frederick's  fees  vary  according to the client's preferences  of what the client wants, and how soon the client wants it.  Please contact  Frederick  Wiegand II  and  solicit his help in getting  started in the New Mexican Oil and Gas Industry in 2014.  USA tel.  001  512  938 7045 //  Mexico  office and msgs   52  824  2423  564  //  private celfon for txt msgs  521 824 105 9207