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3 March 2025

clouded title opinion to real estate in Lockhart city, Caldwell County, statea of Texas

clouded title opinion to real estate in Lockhart city, Caldwell County, state of Texas

All the real estate in the small town of Lockhart, in the county of Caldwell, in the State of Texas, with the individual name "Richard A. Fielder" in the chain of title, are CLOUDED, VOID and NO GOOD.  Claims against the title opinion insurance should be made until the title clouds are removed.  This includes all the homes, buildings, lots, and additions to my ParkWay Subdivison, which I made and platted in the Caldwell County Deed Records  before and after 1979.  Richard "magically"  claimed title to my Wiegand lands, with no Warranty Deed, by trickster (il)legal papers which he generated.  That is probably one reason he was investigated by various criminal agencies, including the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the US Attorney, and other law enforcement agencies.  When you make a title search in the State of Texas, you will NOT find any Warranty Deed from my name Frederick W Wiegand Jr  to Richard Fielder, former simultaneous Lockhart city attorney and Caldwell County district attorney.  He brought false criminal charges against me and others, to wrongfully "claim" title to various properties in the city limits and its extraterritorial jurisdiction, for the obvious reason to control the real estate to be developed in the small town of Lockhart, Caldwell County, Texas.  His brother and widow have lived off Richard's illegal actions since his death about 39 years ago, selling clouded title insurance to my properties.  Therefore,  I allege and claim that all the properties that have Richard A Fielder's name in the chain of title, whether in the Caldwell County deed records, or any other Texas government records; are VOID, NULL,  DEFECTIVE and VOIDABLE.  This is basically because the Fielders refused to PAY FREDERICK WIEGAND JR  for his ownership rights in his lands in Caldwell County, TX, during Frederick's lifetime.  Aubrey Fielder and Weldon Fielder worked as lawyers for Frederick Jr's father, making the abstracts of title on the Wiegand properties, back to the Spanish landgrants; and those abstracts of title are unclouded and strong and valid.  No other Wiegand properties will be trickstered away from the Wiegand family, until the Wiegands are ethically paid for their ownership of their lands, including the subsurface rights.  Frederick Wiegand Jr.  Tel.  512 938 7045  10 May 2018 
There is a long line of Lockhart TX "has-beens" who have tried to pry the Wiegand family land away from the Wiegand family over a period of years.  Most of those Lockhart TX "has beens" are fading away.  November 2018 

For the purposes of civil service and  executing warrants for the arrest of  CASSANDRA CARPENTER SNIDER DILLAVEAU,  only natural daughter of  Fredrica Wilma Wiegand Carpenter Kinnard,  Cassandra can be found in one of her mother's houses on the Wiegand Estate Ranch in Caldwell County, Texas, at either
1015 (North) Cunningham Drive, Lockhart, Texas 78644
dead-ending past the Wiegand double-wide mobile home at 75 Thayer Road, Lockhart, TX 78644 
or at the Kinnard entrance on FM 20 West behind the Lockhart State Park, Caldwell County, TX  78644.
It may be that the Criminal Court of Hector County, TX  will  serve a Warrant for the Arrest of  Cassandra Carpenter Dillaveau soon.
Her Uncle Frederick 
WhatsApp  011 52 824 105 9207 in Mexico 

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