Carl Wiegand searched the deed records in the Caldwell
County courthouse for more than three years, and found, along with licensed surveyors,
that the abandoned Country Road 220 crosses the SouthWest corner of
the Lockhart State Park inside the Wiegand Estate Ranch. Even after several notifications
in person, by email, and by US mail to various State of Texas
officials, including the Texas Parks & Wildlife general counsel; there
has been no official in the State of Texas ( who was contacted ) willing
to discuss nor review the facts of the various surveys since the 1930s, showing
the abandonded Country Road 220 running across the SouthWest corner
of the Lockhart State Park, to the Fentress Road FM 20, behind
and on the West side of the Lockhart State Park. Therefore, there were
several officials who have to date 31 January 2013, sufficient motives to remove
Carl J Wiegand from the Wiegand Ranch permanently, including, but not limited to, several
officials of Caldwell County government, TX.
I put part of the blame for the physical disappearance of my son Carl, on Caldwell
County officials for their refusal to negotiate the resolution to these civil disputes
through the various attorneys that the Wiegand family has hired over the last 30 years.
These actions by Caldwell County officials leave other members of the Wiegand family, fearing
for their lives, and moving outside the State of Texas. So far, the US FBI
has refused to give me any information on my missing - kidnapped
? -- murdered ? eldest son Carl Jonathan Wiegand, so I have filed a
US Freedom of Information Act request form G-639 with the US Attorney General,
and am waiting for their reply. It it now November 2015, and there has been no word nor information
about Carl J Wiegand delivered to his father, since the 10th day of March 2012.
Certain Caldwell County officials are intentionally committing erros concerning the legal methods of vacating the
abandoned portion of Caldwell County Road 220 which extends from Cunningham Drive in the Lockhart city limits west of the
airport, in a SouthWest direction across Clearfork Creek, up the hill and turning to the North, and intersecting with Farm
to Market Road FM20, near the newer toll road I135.
There is a corrupt and crooked local politician bugging me in Lockhart,
TX. A judge in Caldwell County, Texas, knows that the illegal fence
blocking Wiegand ingress and egress to Wiegand Ranch and house, and has ignored
the illegal fence, and had the county prosecutor bring life-changing
charges against Frederick Wiegand, in a transparent and wrongful attempt
to illegally dispossess Frederick Wiegand Jr of his inherited properties.
To date, a certain judge has not been brought to justice by the State
of Texas nor the Texas Commission on Judicial conduct, nor the US Attorney
General, nor the State Bar of Texas, for violating the Texas
Transportation Code Section 250, nor by the US Attorney General for violating
USC 42 and 43 and other constitutional rights of the Wiegand family for ingress and egress from the
Wiegand properties and buildings and livestock. Meawhile, I am asking all landowners
and voters, including all citizens who voted for me in the Lockhart mayor
election of 2008, to VOTE this judge OUT OF OFFICE IN CALDWELL COUNTY,
TEXAS in the next election in 2016.
I, Frederick Wiegand Jr., still a bonded notary public in the
State of Texas, am still searching for a competent attorney who
practices in the Western District of Texas, Austin, Texas federal court, to bring
suit against this judge, who is a corrupt and crooked local politician.
City of Lockhart takes no action
against Fredrica Wiegand Carpenter Kinnard who built an illegal barbed-wired
fence across County Road 220 in January 2010, and blocked ingress
and egress to Wiegand family house, land, cattle and farming equipment.
Letter from Dan Gibson city planner is evidence. What this is,
is a form of unethical legal blackmail, and the use of false
criminal lawsuits, both misdemeanor and felony, to force a solution
to a civil lawsuit, is itself a felony crime.
The former prosecutor Richard Aubrey Fielder, who was simulaneously
city attorney for the City of Lockhart and also prosecuting district
attorney for the County of Caldwell, and wrongfully took Parkway
Subdivision away from its rightful owner, was disbarred by the State
of Texas for corruption while in public office.
It is high time for ALL of the other voters
of Caldwell County Precincts 2, 3, and 4 to ask for the
resignation of a another Lockhart politician who does not represent
the rest of Caldwell County, and ignores Texas Transportation Code 250
and the condition of the roads in Caldwell County. Tom Bonn had the county
road administrator put up two new signs, ¨county maintenance starts
here¨, and then 100.0 feet to the West, ¨county maintenance ends
here¨, but the county NEVER has nor does at this time, done
any maintenance to County Road 220. The Caldwell County officials
say that the City of Lockhart is reponsible for maintenance on
Cunningham Drive, and they ping-pong that story back and forth for
years. 10 January 2014 news is that RR Trey Hicks III and Tom Bonn
will not run for re-election in Caldwell County, Texas. They think that they have
gotten away with this white-collar crime. Retiring out another Caldwell County corrupt official.
County Road 220 inside city limits of Lockhart |

What he plans to do is to profit himself,
and deny profits of a lifetime to the rightful owner. It is unethical
and immoral by the state and federal codes of ethics for a public
official to promote legal disputes and lawsuits by and between
family members, as in this case 2009 - O - 0369, for personal financial
and political gain. When a local judge and a local DA use
a young unemployed marijuana-smoking mentally-ill female to
bring criminal charges against a senior citizen land owner and former
US antidrug officer, in the name of the state of Texas;
then it is time for the FBI and the DEA oficers to
go to the 2d floor of the Caldwell County courthouse, and serve Tom
Bonn with a federal indictment for several felony violations of the Texas
Penal Code and the criminal federal laws of the U.S.A. as accessory to various felonies,
including the illegal use of a boggus criminal lawsuit against F W Wiegand to settle a
civil lawsuit about a fence across a public road, and other local problems with the city over
the illegal shooting range, where automatic rifles are used in the direction of the Pegasus School
for Disabled Children. Wiegand ranchhouse and doublewide home have been burglarized, broken into and
things stolen more than six ( 6 ) times in the last several years, and the local law enforcement officials and
county administrative judge have done nothing about my official complaints, nor issued any warrants for
arrest, even though I offered video clips from security cameras. I have complaints again
at the US Department of Justice for what is going on in Lockhart, county of Caldwell,
illegal fence built across County Road 220 |

Tom Bonn does nothing about wrongful fence so is accesory to a crime |