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3 March 2025

141.38 acres due south of  Austin, Texas

three coins in the fountain -- Dos Bocas (VZ), Ixtoc (GOM MX), Macondo (GOM USA)

The recent accidents published in international news, which have plagued Pemex, raise the question, "Does the Mexican NOC, led by SENER / CNH / IMP have national deepwater drilling rules, norms and standards?"  Translations of IADC, SPE and API regs and spec, are NOT shown online in transparency webpages.  And  if the Mex NOC does NOT ratify US and international world wide rules and standards, and still does NOT  have its own SSPA deepwater rules , regs, laws and standards published in the Diario Oficial;  then  WHO  is  responsible for oversight of deepwater drilling in the Mexican GOM?  It may not be "fun" tossing around this "hot dog", but someone should post a clear and concise answer online, for the world to see, whether they agree, or don't agree.  No one wants any more "green cement" in deepwater.  Apparently, by public notices in the trade magazines,  Pemex has only been able to get one international oil company, a Canadian company, to join Pemex in deepwater drilling and production.  Someone told me that Pemex has about seven deepwater oil and gas wells, but none of them are being produced at this time.  That is hard to confirm because of the lack of transarency in the Pemex - public data in the public domain in Mexico.  This is another reason that the exchange rate is about 19 to one and approaching 20 to one.  

It said, “The blowout was not the product of a series of aberrational decisions made by rogue industry or government officials that could not have been anticipated or expected to occur again. Rather, the root causes are systemic and, absent significant reform in both industry practices and government policies, might well recur.” 



1.  1908 blowout on land in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, North American continent



 Some historians say that the fire from the Dos Bocas blowout in the State of Veracruz, Mexico, could be seen about 100 miles away in the Port of Tampico, state of Tamaulipas.  So when you add the Dos Bocas 1908 onshore blowout in the state of Veracruz, Mexico + the Ixtoc I offshore blowout in the Mexican Gulf of Mexico in 1979 + the Maconda USA-GOM blowout in 2010  all of these together,  you NOW ( for the first time ) have sufficient statistical data to predict the NEXT  giant blowout somewhere on the sun's earth. "The fire from the Dos Bocas oilwell blowout in 1908 in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, could be seen in the Port of Tampico, in the adjoining state of Tamaulipas.  The fire continued from the 4th of July 1908 until the 30th of August 1908, about 58 days, with estimates of 90,000 bopd of crude oil flowing onto the land and into Laguna Tamiahua.  Some of it is still there as of this date of 8 July 2015, 107 years later.  The Dos Bocas blowout was named for the two giant craters it left in the ground.  This was one of the largest oil spills in the history of the oil industry, spilling more than 60 x 90 x 10 4th = 5400 x 10 to the 4th bbls of oil.  There are no records available on how long the oil continued to flow at that estimated rate, but some people say that the flow of salt water has never been plugged to this day.  Therefore, informed sources predict a castastrophic saltwater intrusion into the Laguna Tamiahua "soon".  No one has come forward with a public plan to stop this from happening, so here is a proposal:  WWWiegand wants four drilling rigs to drill four directional holes towards the greatest magnitude of sound from the flow of saltwater from the man-made underground caverns of Dos Bocas.  Run sonic tools to drill down to the limestone formation that blewout.  Set up a huge dynamic kill ( maybe the largest in known history).  Kill the Dos Bocas blowout with heavy mud, using Mexican barite of 4.25 SG. I will sell you the barite.  Cement the well, and help keep millions of fresh-water shrimp and fish alive in the Tamiahua Lagoon of Veracruz state, Mexico.   WWWiegand  needs  financial backing for this project, and probably  would request funding from a friend in Dubai, and ask SLB or HAL to do the cement job.  These are the three greatest blowout / oil spills in the world's history, I think. 







 quoted from abstract International Oil Spill proceedings 2011

"The IXTOC I well blowout/spill in 1979 and the Macondo well blowout/spill in 2010 are the two most significant catastrophic oil spill events to have occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. There were similarities in these events; both were caused by human decisions and actions. Relative to chronic inputs of hydrocarbons each event released significant volumes of oil into the environment in a short time. Industry was not prepared in advance to address such an event at the wellhead in 1979 or 2010.

They differed in that IXTOC I occurred in 200 feet of seawater (fsw) and Macondo occurred in 5,000 fsw. Relative to Macondo, IXTOC I was a non-media event. Macondo played out 24 hours/day live on scores of television networks around the world. Great emotions and drama ensued and many conclusions were presented to the public as fact when, in truth, no scientific data existed to support the conclusion.

The response to Macondo was rapid, aggressive, and effective at keeping the majority of the spilled oil out of the sensitive coastal habitats. The engineering technology applied to the response at the well head was amazing considering the water depth and reservoir pressures.

Initial economic impacts at the individual level of the Macondo blowout were significant in the short-term; however, due to billions of dollars committed to the response effort and compensation to businesses and individuals for lost income and commitments to long-term assessment of the environmental impact the overall economic impact may not be as negative as initially speculated."

somebody's elses opinion 


Wiegand's Risk Equation

P + RS = 1 

 Systemic Risk (RS), also known as SRISK, as applied to blowouts offshore, according to World Wide Wiegand,  refers to the risks imposed by interlinkages and interdependencies in a system ( the international offshore oil and gas business ), where the failure of a single decision ( the company man's ) or entity ( VP of drilling ) or sequences of decisions or cluster of entities can cause a cascading failure (chain reaction), which could potentially bankrupt or bring down the entire system or market  ( a NOC )[4] (resulting in a blowout that requires government intervention to resolve). It is also sometimes erroneously referred to as "systematic risk" by people who do not study Risk definitions.  Systemic Risk studies should be computer-modeled, and included in all Deepwater Drilling Well Plans, as the last-case contingency planning effort.


Pemex and SENER  and  CNH  federal norms  should  specify

 that  all SFs  approach  or  exceed one. 




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