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3 March 2025

Barth Fire  inside the  city  limits  of  Lockhart,  TX  78644

Barth Fire north Lockhart Texas 78644

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famous  international  firefighter  Fred  Wiegand, formerly  with  Boots and Coots,  friend  with  Neal  Adams and Red Adair. 

Barth  Fire covering  70 acres  inside  the city limits of  North  Lockhart, Texas  78644  USA 
17  August 2023  Thursday
The grass  fire spread very quickly from  11  am  to  5  pm, when  the brave firefighters  of  the  Lockhart  Fire  Department  brought  the  fire  under  control.  The fire spread from the American  Legion Hall on Hwy 183,  north along the west  side of 183, with the winds from the South, up to Interstate  Toll Road I 130, and west  to  Silent  Valley  Road back down to Pettus  Street.  If the winds had blown from the North, like they blew the day before,  the  fire would have been much worse, maybe reaching downtown Lockhart.  No word has appeared  in public  notices yet as to the value of  damages,  the homes burned, nor the deaths from the dense black smoke and the heat from the flames.  Right now,  there is a daily dangerous heat warning in central Texas, with temperatures up to 107 degress F around 5 pm daily.  There is a county  burn  ban at this   time, until it rains.
THANKS  BE  TO  GOD  that the winds  were from the  South that  day.  Otherwise,  the fire would  have burned into  downtown Lockhart, endangering the  historic Caldwell  County  Courthouse. 
The Lockhart  Fire Department, and the  Sheriff's Department,  did a brave, wonderful  job of controlling the Barth Fire in the city limits of Lockhart, TX 78644.  It is probable that public notices will be restricted,  but  if  anyone wants and deserves more information,  contact
Fred  Wiegand,  Volunteer and International  Firefighter
512  995  1400  USA
Lockhart  claims to be the BBQ  capital  of the USA. 
Donations  to the Lockhart  Fire  Department  for gas and smoke  masks  are happily  accepted.

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