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3 March 2025

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Mexico ends Pemex monopoly . opens oil gas industry 2015

qualified non-Mexican companies can purchase data for offshore blocks.  bidding continues to July 15.  best to have a Mexican agent, such as Wiegand.  data for offshore blocks costs $363,000 USD.  Wiegand  offers  Mexican and international  offshore  5-man teams for  drilling and workover of offshore wells, such as Arenque platform wells near Tampico, Tamps., Mexico.  The Wiegand oilwells that Pemex nationalized in 1938, are still producing in the Mexican state of Veracruz.  Juan Carlos Zepeda, president of the National Hydrocarbons Commission of Mexico City, said that experts believe that the offshore oil and gas fields may contain over 687 millioin barrels of light crude and condensate, and Wiegand wants to increase Mexico production by 150,000 bopd, and reinject the natural gas or liquify the natural gas on the new fields, as part of the modern post 2014 antique Pemex methods of flaring.  Energy Secretary Pedro Joaquin Coldwell of Mexico City said that the worldwide price decline of crude oil may be a fright of the entry of Mexico into a new world competition in an audacious opening. Undersecretary of Energy Lourdes Melgar said publicly that any corrupt practices will void government contracts.  Corruption, like in the city of Lockhart, county of Caldwell, state of Texas,  is when local public officials break their own local, state and federal laws, in order to force businesses to divert monies to those corrupt officials under the table.  Use of false criminal complaints is a common method for corrupt officials to force oil and gas companies and private oilwell owners, to pay corruption fees to corrupt politicians.  EPN and the new Mexican Congress are bringing strong federal laws against corruption in Mexico, and this should entice multinational oil and gas companies to risk investing in Mexico.  The oil is here.  The question is how to get it out and sell it at a profit.  The Ciudad Madero Refinery is a model of daily exports of Mexican oil and gas products, to buyers around the world.  Call  Frederick  Wiegand in Mexico for an insiders view and help to negotiate in Mexico.  Frederick Wiegand I began drilling oil and gas wells in Mexico in 1922 in Poza Rica, Veracruz.

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Frederick Wiegand II  is  immediately available to act as Mexican agent for any and all multinational oil and gas companies that want to bid on offshore and onshore blocks, to repair and drill oil and gas wells in Mexico.  Federico Wiegand has his own shallow drillling rig available for contracts to repair and drill oil and gas wells in Mexico by contract.
TelCel   521  824 105 9207
in Tampico