Fred Wiegand presented his newly designed advanced course called "DeepWater
Drilling Engineering" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ( KL MY ) on 1, 2, and 3 July 2009. Updating and upgrading this DW DE course is continuing, with plans to present this course in the Spanish and
Russian languages soon. For information on requesting this course, please contact:, or one of the other email addresses give herein. This course is even more important since the Macondo
blowout in the US waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
In July, August and September 2010, Fred worked as Deepwater Drilling Superintendent
for CON SON in Vietnam, helping with daily operations of the TransOcean Actinia semisubmersible floating drilling
rig in the South China Sea, drilling in hardrock granite and helping discover significant reserves of crude oil in fractures
in the granite basement rock. The two-stage cement job of the 9 5/8 inch casing by Schlumberger, was successful. Years
past, Fred was supervisor on the Diamond Hunter semisubmesible for Occidenal E &P out of Fortaleza, Brazil. Fred Wiegand worked on the Discoverer 534 as Senior Drilling Engieering for Esso Ex
in Cote D'Ivoire West Africa, assisting with the discovery of a new oil & gas field in deepwater just west of the capital
city of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Steve Knabe, also deepwater drilling engineer for Esso Ex, is
a good reference for this work by Fred. Knowledge Reservoir in Houston, Texas
Drilling Engineering" course can be a 3-day course or a 5-day course, can be in public venue or private venue, and can
be purchased and scheduled by contacting Fred Wiegand, president Carl
J. Wiegand, vice president Wiegand Engineering Inc., a Texas corporation near Austin, Texas with offices in Mexico City, MX, and Maturin, Venezuela.