Here is a link to an expanding maps of the pins and corners of the ranchland
for sale CCAD ID 13489:
land adjoins the Lockhart State Park and lies across the County Road 220, renamed Cunningham Drive when in 2007, Lockhart
City annexed the ranchland into the city limits of the small town of Lockhart, TX 78644, Caldwell County, Texas.
Note: The Caldwell County Appraisal District map clearly show the continuation of Caldwell County Road 220
across Clearfork Creek and up the hill across Fredrica Wiegand's inherited lands, and then across Phyllis Wiegand's inherited
lands, thence turning North to Caldwell County Road FM 20, Farm to Market Road 20, next to Interstate Tollroad I 135. This
being filed of record in the Deed Records of Caldwell County, Texas; the local texas state district courts ignored the FACT
that Fredrica Kinnard and the City of Lockhart intentionally built a 5-strand barbed wire fence ACROSS the County Road 220
with the obvious and overt intention of blocking her brother Frederick Wiegand Jr from his only ingress and egress to his
land and home across Clearfork Creek, and in order to steal his mineral oil and gas rights without paying him. These
illegal actions included various persons in the City of Lockhart and the County of Caldwell and the local Texas State District
Courts, namely Todd Blomerth.
The present day 22 November 2018 also shows the 30-foot offset in the Caldwell County
Road 220, part of what the city of Lockhart calls Cunningham Drive, where Caldwell County Road actively extends 100 feet.
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