World Bank loan to Mexico

3 March 2025

World Bank loan to Mexico // conditions

World Bank loan to Mexico // conditions

As former internationl petroleum consultant to the World Bank in Washington D.C., I, Frederick W. Wiegand II, dual citizeneship USA and Mexico,  hereby officially request that as one of the conditions that the World Bank authorize a petroleum-economy-saving mega- loan to AMLO and the Gob of MX,  that  the Gob Mex prohibit Pemex for an eternity into the future, by new 2020 federal laws, from illegally discriminating against a Mexican citizen whose father's oil business in Mexico was illegally expropriated on 18 March 1938, and ALL  of the subsequent illegal discrimination by Pemex and associates, using an unwritten blacklist by word-of-mouth since 1956 to June 2020, to prevent Frederick Wiegand II and his drilling company Wiegand Hermanos Perforadores, Sociedad Ano'nima of Mexico City and Tampico, from doing oil and gas industry business in Mexico since 1979.

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