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3 March 2025

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deepest vertical Wiegand well in the world 9 Sept 2015 44,000 TVD

deepest vertical Wiegand well in the world   11  September 2015


Dr.  Frederick  William  Wiegand  II  privately announced  to an astute group of petroleum engineering students at a prestigious university in Mexico,  his  continued plans for designing  the  DEEPEST  VERTICAL WIEGAND COMMERCIAL CONDENSATE WELL  IN  THE  WORLD as of 11 September 2015 .  Fred said  that  the  technology is now available,  that others are confidentially planning something similar, but due to the turn of events in the international world market and world economy, the others are holding it close to their vest.  He estimates that his premium design will offer a consortium of investors, under the Wiegand JV as managing director, to design and construct a hyperdeepwater oil and gas well capable of producing more than one hundred thousand barrels a day from one wellbore.  Fred is again soliciting a group of highly-sophisticated investor explorationists to fund his project, both academic and industry partners.  This  publication on 9 - 11  - 2015 is a continuing of the sole-propriestor work of   Dr.  Frederick  William  Wiegand  II  in  Mexico.  The exact location of this proposed well is confidential, but might be in the Mexican Gulf of Mexico.  SENER  and  CNH are unaware of these developments as yet.  Fred Wiegand invites Vicente Fox to join the investor group.

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