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3 March 2025

the  job  description  of  a  drilling  supervisor  

what does a drilling supervisor do ?

A  wellsite  drilling  supervisor directs and controls  all daily  operational  activities to  drilling, workover, well completion operations  carried  out  by  the  subcontractors and service companies  on the rig he is assigned to, by the operating oil company.  He  is  the  "company man".  His daily work includes directing the proper implementation of the office operational programs, which includes  many  funtions, some of which are  drilling, workovers, completions, logging, testing, fracking, acidizing, slickline artificial lift, and many other daily routine operations.  He  also proposes  and executes  changes and amendments to the office well plan, according to the authority he is given by the drilling superintendent, or the drilling manager, or the vice president of drilling, or the president of the oil company.  He  makes sure that  the rig is safe, the personnel are safe, the food is good,  HSE, conformance to all local, state, and federal, and international rules, regulations, decrees, norms, etc.  He  supervises and monitors  all logistics, and this is a big job in itself, especially in remote locations, such as the Rub Al Khali desert of Saudi Arabia and Yemen.  He  prepares  the  oil company daily report  from  all the  daily reports submitted  to him,  usually  after midnight to 5 am in the morning, and  has  to have sufficient knowledge of computer systems  and IT people to get the daily drilling / workover reports  to  the offices in many places, and even do video reporting.  The  drilling supervisor company man works  18 to 20 hours per day on the rig, and some of them  say that "The company man is the king of the rig", which means that he has he final say about what does and what does not go on at the rigsite.  With that authority comes the responsibility of well control, because  if the company man fails to control the well ( all the operations ),  and if there is a blowout where the rig burns, and the well is lost, and the oilfield is also lost;  then  by  most IADC contracts,  the oil company is responsible for the damages.

In more than forty years of work as  wellsite  supervisor and drilling engineer at the rigsite,  Frederick Wiegand  has only had  3 LTAs, no blowouts, no rig fires, and never lost control of an oil nor gas well in his work in more than 25 countries in the world.

There  may  be  as  many  as  15,000 drilling supervisors in the world today.