As a PyME Mexican subcontractor with some highway construction equipment; Wiegand company in Texas
and Mexico needs a one-million dollar construction silent-partner to finance the purchase of highway construction equipment,
used and new, and import it into Northern Mexico soonest. NAFTA is an international business, and the traffic volume
per 24-hr day is even more than on the Khobar double 4-lane highway in and out of Khobar, KSA. This includes D2
imports from Texas. Wiegand is buying and importing the requested highway construction equipment, and has this day entered
into a verbal substantial contract. So this online request for NAFTA financial support is timely and correct, because
the highway is making rapid progress, and is the most horizontal highway possible in Northern Mexico to the USA border.
The silent-partner funds will be used to buy highway construction equipment manufactured in the USA, and used in the USA and
Northern Mexico. The equipment and contract are the loan collateral. All transactions will be double-internationally-monitored
and QCed.